弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页


10月1日, 1872, Addison " Add " Caldwell从克雷格县步行26英里来到弗吉尼亚农业机械学院,成为该校的第一个学生. 从那时起,弗吉尼亚理工大学一直在履行其作为一所领先的赠地大学的角色. 小学院, originally housed in the old Olin and Preston Institute near what is now 校友 Mall, has grown into a world-class university.



In the 1890s, a student named O.M. 斯图尔,1896届的毕业生,因为想出了一种新的精神欢呼,现在被称为“老霍基”,赢得了5美元的奖金.原文是这样的:

Hoki, Hoki, Hoki, hey.
Sola-Rex, Sola-Rah.
Rae, Ri, V.P.I.

Later, an “e” was added to “Hoki” to make “Hokie,” and “团队! 团队! 团队!这句话附在结尾.


1896年重大的学术变化带来了一个更适合大学更高知名度的新名称-弗吉尼亚农业机械学院和理工学院, commonly known as Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 或新品.

  • 1944: The shortened Virginia Polytechnic Institute became the official name.
  • 1970: The Virginia General Assembly bestowed university status, 大学的正式名称成为全球十大赌博靠谱的平台.
  • 今天: 弗吉尼亚理工大学是这所大学的官方昵称,除了最正式的场合外,其他场合都使用.



在1896年, 成立了一个委员会来寻找合适的颜色组合来代替原来的黑色和灰色, which made athletic uniforms resemble prison garb. 委员会选择了焦橙色和芝加哥栗色,因为没有其他大学使用这种特殊的颜色组合.

在10月26日与罗阿诺克学院的足球比赛中,他们首次穿上了焦橙色和芝加哥栗色的衣服, 1896.

弗吉尼亚理工大学 mascot: From Gobbler to HokieBird

Hokies were once called “Gobblers,” a nickname whose origin is widely disputed. One story claims it resulted from the way student athletes would “gobble” up their food.

The name was already popular when Floyd Meade, 当地居民, trained a large turkey to pull a cart at a football game in 1913. Throughout the years, trained turkeys would continue to gobble on command and perform stunts. In 1962, a student raised $200 for a costume; the result was an unusual turkey with a cardinal-like head, known as the Gobbler and then the Fighting Gobbler.

Floyd Meade with the VPI Mascot in 1921

When the Gobbler nickname fell out of favor, student George Wills sketched new designs for a class project. The updated mascot appeared at a football game in September 1981. The current HokieBird, which conveys power and strength, debuted in September 1987.

你知道吗?? 学生 who dress as the HokieBird remain anonymous until commencement, 当他们穿着HokieBird的脚在进入莱恩体育场的队伍中透露他们的秘密时.



“Tech Triumph,” the university's most popular fight song, was composed in 1919 by Wilfred P. Maddux (Class of 1920) and his neighbor, Mattie Eppes. It was officially adopted by the student body in December 1919.

Techmen, we’re Techmen, with spirit true and faithful,
Backing up our teams with hopes undying;
Techmen, oh, Techmen, we’re out to win today,
Showing “pep” and life with which we’re trying;
V.P.,老V.P., you know our hearts are with you
In our luck which never seems to die;
Win or lose, we’ll greet you with a glad returning,

Just watch our men so big and active
支持橙色和栗色乐队. 走吧,技术人员.
We know our ends and backs are stronger,
With winning hopes, we fear defeat no longer.
To see our team plow through the line, boys.
So give a Hokie, Hokie, Hokie, Hy,
Rae, Ri,老V.P.I.


The “母校” was born in spring 1939 when Ernest T. Sparks (Class of 1940) composed music and L.G. Chase (Class of 1941) wrote lyrics for a student contest.

Sing praise to Alma Mater dear,
V的.P.I. 网上赌博网站十大排行永远欢呼;
Come lift your voices, swell the song,

So stand and sing, all hail to thee.
VT .向你致敬.

The Orange and Maroon you see,
That’s fighting on to victory;
Our strife will not be long this day,
For glory lies within this fray.

All loyal sons and daughters, one,
We raise our banner to the sun;
Our motto brings a spirit true,


Written and recorded by the heavy metal band Metallica, 自2000年以来,当球队进入球场时,就会在莱恩体育场播放“进入睡魔”. The tradition of students jumping up and down during the song started on December 1, 2001, 当时一名维吉尼亚游行乐队的成员开始在歌曲中跳跃,他的同事们也跟着跳了起来. The tradition eventually spread to the 篮球 teams’ entrances in Cassell Coliseum.


著名的弗吉尼亚理工大学午餐桶象征着北基队的蓝领防守方式, developed by assistant head coach and defensive coordinator Bud Foster. 福斯特的午餐桶防御基金会为来自新河和罗阿诺克山谷的高中生提供奖学金, as well as assisting the families of those awaiting organ transplants.


In 1995, 最初的午餐桶是由共同防御协调员罗德·夏普勒斯的岳母获得的. The pail once belonged to a coal miner, and after the record-setting defensive season, the lunch pail became an iconic element of the Hokie football lore. 那只破旧生锈的桶, which now contains the names of the 32 Hokies who died in the tragedy on April 16, 2007, travels wherever the Hokies go, and its care is entrusted to a defensive leader.


公司管理员, 陆军后备军官训练队, has performed the 球跑 every year since 1977, 尽管这一传统可能起源于几年前的弗吉尼亚理工大学橄榄球赛.

在一年一度的返校节足球赛举行的那一周,游侠连的成员们在校园里跑了100英里的比赛用球,然后在比赛当天举行仪式, which includes running the ball into the stadium.


At a football game against Virginia Military Institute (VMI), 1964届的两名学员约定,他们将建造一门大炮,使VMI的“小约翰”相形见绌.” The cadets, 首页r Hadley “Sonny” Hickam (of “October Sky” fame) and Alton B. “布奇”小哈珀., collected brass from fellow cadets and added it to metal provided by Hickam’s father. 第一次发射时, the eager cadets tripled the charge, 把一半VMI Keydets的帽子吹掉,把罗阿诺克胜利体育场(Roanoke’s Victory Stadium)新闻记者室的玻璃震得粉碎.


“Skipper” is named for President John F. Kennedy, who had been a PT-boat skipper. 今天, Skipper is fired at football games and for other notable occasions.


已知的第一次有组织的与校外球队的比赛发生在1877年,当时是VAMC棒球队, which probably included townspeople, played Roanoke College and won by a record score of 53-13.

1891年秋天,当VAMC体育协会成立时,第一次努力将体育活动正式化. The following year, a football team and 网球 association were added. In one long-running and affectionately remembered football tradition, Tech played VMI in Roanoke on Thanksgiving Day for nearly 75 years.

Women finally joined the athletics fold in 1970 with a swimming team. Women’s 篮球 followed in 1972.

The Hokies have been a member of several conferences over the years. They joined the Atlantic Coast Conference in 2004. NCAA Division I-A men’s varsity sports at Tech are football, 篮球, 棒球, 足球, 室内外跑道, 游泳和潜水, 摔跤, 网球, 高尔夫球, 越野比赛. Women’s varsity sports are 篮球, 网球, 排球, 游泳和潜水, 室内外跑道, 足球, 垒球, 长曲棍球, 高尔夫球, 越野比赛.

The Student-Athlete Performance Center benefits recruiting, 营养, and performance for all 22 varsity sports. 在2021-22学年,该校350多名学生运动员的平均成绩在3分以上.0.

弗吉尼亚理工大学 学生军团


The 弗吉尼亚理工大学 学生军团 became official in the 1890s, 这所大学始建于1872年,并要求学生接受军事训练. As the university changed and innovated, so did the corps. 1923年,所有男性入伍四年的规定改为两年——同年,女性首次被允许入伍——然后在1964年成为自愿参军.

Members of the 学生军团 cheer during a football game

今天, 弗吉尼亚理工大学是全国三所公立大学之一,校园里既有活跃的学员队伍,又有“平民”的生活方式.

Centered in 弗吉尼亚理工大学’s early history, the university’s 上四 has long been the 首页 of the 学生军团. 弄堂口, 建成于1888年, is a state and national historic landmark originally known as Barracks No. 1. In front of the hall is an orange and maroon sidewalk that forms the largest “VT” on campus.

在最近的更新, Pearson and New Cadet halls have replaced older cadet residence halls, and a new plaza between the halls displays the Corps’ monuments, honoring those who have served in the past and present.

Marching in memory of Caldwell

学员团通过追溯Add Caldwell从克雷格县走过的路,向大学的开端致敬,并庆祝一年级学员的进步. 学员们在秋天跑完前13英里,在春天跑完后13英里,标志着第一年训练的结束.

Campus buildings and memorials


弗吉尼亚理工大学 exhibits its character 和骄傲 every day via its buildings, most of which are made of Hokie石头, a limestone common in Southwest Virginia. It was first used in campus building construction in 1899, 今天, all new central 校园建筑 must bear the distinctive stone.

Hokie石头 on Eggleston Hall

Hewed by hand and varying from grays, 布朗, 从黑色到粉色, 橙子, 和人们, no two stones are the same color. Since the mid-1950s, the university has operated its own quarry.

The Pylons and War Memorial Chapel
One of the most important and symbolic structures on campus, 战争纪念教堂(War Memorial Chapel)上方的塔上刻着弗吉尼亚理工学院每一位为捍卫国家自由而牺牲的学生和毕业生的名字, beginning with those lost during World War I. The Pylons evoke 弗吉尼亚理工大学’s core values. 从左到右, 他们代表着兄弟情谊, 荣誉, 领导, 牺牲, 服务, 忠诚, 责任, 和Ut Prosim.


在纪念中心, the cenotaph displays the names of 弗吉尼亚理工大学’s seven Medal of 荣誉 recipients.

4月16日纪念, 位于钻场, remembers the 32 university community members who lost their lives on April 16, 2007.


The Hokie石头 symbolizes our relentless spirit, 网上赌博网站十大排行勇往直前, and our determination never to forget.

Their hunched bodies and contorted faces are the stuff of Hokie legend. At least 15 “gargoyles” at 弗吉尼亚理工大学 fit right into our neo-Gothic architecture. And for some students, finding every one of them before graduation is a rite of passage.

Functional gargoyles are waterspouts that move water away from the roof of a building. So while the “cowgoyles” of Saunders Hall might not function as waterspouts, they are a beloved decorative element.


  • 艾格斯顿大厅4号
  • Hillcrest Hall 4号
  • 史密斯大厅3号
  • 桑德斯大厅4号

弗吉尼亚理工大学 motto, seal, and logos

In 1896, the university adopted Ut Prosim, 拉丁语的意思是“我可以服务”,作为它的座右铭, and a college seal was developed. The 弗吉尼亚理工大学 Board of 访问ors did not officially adopt the seal, 现在还在使用, 直到1963年.


In 1991, 弗吉尼亚理工大学 adopted a university logo, which incorporates an image of the War Memorial with its eight pylons, each representing a different virtue.

The inclusion of the numerals “1872,” the founding year of the university, reinforces the 传统 of more than a century of service to the Commonwealth of Virginia, 这个国家, 这个世界.

In 2017, a new brand platform and accompanying logo were launched. The new 弗吉尼亚理工大学 mark is grounded in tradition, yet focused on the future. The lettering reflects our VT-shaped educational experience.

The vertical bar of the T represents disciplinary depth, while the horizontal bar reflects the ability to work across disciplines. The arms of the V represent experiential learning and the spirit of Ut Prosim. 标志的开放性和形状突出了弗吉尼亚理工大学作为一个包容性社区的身份,在学科交叉点蓬勃发展.


The university also has an athletic logo: a streamlined “VT,” which is used only for sports and sports 商品. 1984年面世, 这个运动标志是由两名弗吉尼亚理工大学学生提交的设计组合而成的,他们参加了由该校艺术系赞助的比赛.


Firming and building the foundations

约翰米. McBryde 在19世纪90年代为现代弗吉尼亚理工大学奠定了基础,其中包括B.S. 学位和研究生学习, granting permanent status for the 学生军团, and starting the athletics program. McBryde and his son also developed the university’s motto: Ut Prosim (我可以服务).

T. 小马歇尔·哈恩. transformed VPI from college status to a major re搜索 university in the 1960s and 1970s. 他支持大学教育的发展,并领导了创建研究部的运动. The student body tripled, and eight residence halls and 10 other major facilities were added.

查尔斯W. 大学校长 expertly guided the university’s growth and scope during the first 14 years of the 2000s. 研究 funding and private fundraising increased. 他建立了弗吉尼亚理工大学卡里隆医学院和研究所以及生物医学工程学院. 他是莫斯艺术中心的一位富有远见的领导者,并提升了弗吉尼亚理工大学在弗吉尼亚北部的地位.

That “huge” 弗吉尼亚理工大学 ring

大学 across the country offer students the chance to buy a class ring, but very few annually redesign the ring to be unique to each class. This tradition began at 弗吉尼亚理工大学 in 1911-12, and the resulting ring always invokes memories, 传统, 和骄傲.

每年, the sophomore class selects a Ring Committee to design their ring collection, which always includes the screaming eagle, 美国国旗, 校园建筑, and an interlocking chain around the bezel. From there, the Ring Committee incorporates characteristics unique to its class.

自1934年以来, 在弗吉尼亚理工大学的戒指舞会上,情侣们随着“月光与VPI”的旋律交换了戒指,这首歌是作曲家弗雷德·韦林和作词人查尔斯·盖纳专门为《网上赌博网站十大排行》写的.